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38 new ISCA members adopted and ISCA Executive Committee 2023-2025 elected at General Assembly

By Alexander Appleyard-Keeling, ISCA

Once the MOVE Congress 2023 in Madrid had come to its successful conclusion, the ISCA members who were present in the Spanish capital assembled to participate in the biennial ISCA General Assembly. This year’s General Assembly took place on 18 November, and was the 25th time that the members had met in such a capacity. The 25th edition, with more than 40 member organisations represented, was the largest General Assembly yet. With chairs Cristiane Fiorin Fuglsang (ISCA Latin America Consultant) and Elena Garcia Morales (ISCA Financial Manager) overseeing proceedings, the ISCA members took a range of important decisions based upon the prepared materials in the Delegate File.

As the democratic foundation of the organisation, the General Assembly delegates, members from across the world, elected the new ISCA Executive Committee for the next two years, as follows:


Mr Mogens Kirkeby (Nominated by DGI, Denmark)

Vice Presidents:

Ms Helen Vost, (Nominated by Youth Sport Trust International, UK)

Ms Maria Luiza Souza Dias (Nominated by Corcultura, Colombia)

Executive Committee members:

Prof Dr Michael Tiemann (Nominated by German Gymnastics Federations, DTB, Germany)

Mr Branko Vujović (Nominated by Association Sport for All Serbia, Serbia) – new

Ms Daniela Conti (Nominated by UISP, Italy)

Mr Jakub Kalinowski (Nominated by V4SPORT Foundation, Poland)

Ms Liliana Ortiz De La Cruz (Nominated by Corcultura, Colombia)

Alongside voting for the Executive Committee, ISCA members also unanimously adopted the new budget for 2023-2025, the largest budget in ISCA history, with more than 11 million euros spread over the three calendar years. The matter of ISCA auditor was also voted on, with the result being that Buus Jensen Statsautoriserede Revisorer will continue to work with the ISCA secretariat in this role.

ISCA restructured its membership offer, and in turn the membership fee levels, at the 2021 General Assembly in Brussels. The delegates unanimously voted to continue utilising the current fee structure – put in place in 2021 – for the next two years. Furthermore, a proposal was put forward to update the ISCA statutes, with shortening them to be more precise and better reflecting the changes to ISCA membership the main changes. This proposal was also adopted.

As ISCA is a global democratic member organisation, 38 new ISCA members were formally adopted by the General Assembly, and welcomed into the worldwide network of grassroots sport promoters.

The General Assembly also saw a review of ISCA’s work over the last two years, actions for the next two years laid out in-front of the members, information about ISCA hosting going forward (Ben Sanders from sportanddev pictured above), reports and strategies on projects, membership and finance, and regional reports. Full information on all these elements can be found in the abovementioned Delegate File. The minutes are available here and below for further information.

ISCA General Assembly 2023 webpage

ISCA Delegate File 2023

New ISCA Statutes

Photos: Kristine Onarheim, ISCA


Posted on 21/11/2023 by Alexander Appleyard-Keeling, ISCA


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