Become a member and join our growing network
The INTERNATIONAL SPORT AND CULTURE ASSOCIATION (ISCA) is your opportunity to connect across borders and sectors with likeminded stakeholders in the field of grassroots sport, recreation and physical activity.
From startups to the world’s largest organisations
Our members span across five continents and this network is ever expanding.

ISCA supports organisations from all corners of the planet.
How has ISCA achieved such a strong position in the sport and physical activity sector?
ISCA has an outstanding track record in tendering and implementing externally funded projects and has earned high credibility vis-à-vis international institutions. ISCA has earned this recognition by consistently delivering initiatives that raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity, make grassroots sports activities more attractive and accessible, and support others in developing activities and events that promote sport for all.

ISCA Members the ISCA Family
We work closely with our member organisations, international NGOs, and the public and private sectors to embark on projects and campaigns that encourage broader participation in grassroots sport and physical activity.
All of our initiatives aim at keeping grassroots sport high on the political agenda and influence policy making, as well as stimulating an exchange of knowledge and best practices.

Discover your organisation’s future in the grassroots sport sector
Keep your finger on the pulse and use ISCA’s networks to your advantage
- I will be kept up-to-date with new trends and programmes in grassroots sport, including new funding streams
- I will be invited to participate in fully-funded capacity-building seminars and workshops connected to ISCA’s projects and events
- I will be part of a cross-sector collaborative network, spanning from international organisations to national federations, think tanks, NGOs and universities
- I will have access to tools and resources developed by ISCA which will develop my organisation professionally (e.g. ISCA’s Good Governance tool, media relations kits, training and educational tools)
- I will have the opportunity to find out what other organisations and sectors are doing and learn from their experiences
Strengthen your voice in international policy making
- I will gain inspiration and assistance with advocacy/lobbying in my own country/region (including visits from ISCA Executive Committee members and staff)
- My organisation can be part of visible local, national and international activities that have both a political and practical impact
- My organisation will be part of ISCA’s continuous dialogue with international decision-makers, having the opportunity to participate in public hearings and take part in side events with other stakeholders
- If I sign up as a member, one person from my organisation will be able to register for free for the next annual MOVE Congress
Raise your organisation’s local, national and international profile
- ISCA’s projects and events (such as MOVE Week and the MOVE Congress) provide the perfect platform to promote and expand the reach of my organisation locally and internationally
- My organisation will play an active role in addressing the global inactivity crisis by being part of ISCA’s campaigns promoting physical activity such as NowWeMove
- Being involved in international projects and events I can present my organisation in my home country as a dynamic, connected and inspired stakeholder in grassroots sport
- My organisation will put even more support behind the broadest-reaching civil society sector in the world – the grassroots sport sector
“No other organisation in the sport sector is anywhere close to ISCA’s record
with regard to tendering and implementing EU funded projects.”
Jacob SCHOUENBORG - ISCA Secretary General

“No other organisation in the sport sector is anywhere close to ISCA’s record with regard to tendering and implementing EU funded projects.”
Jacob SCHOUENBORG - ISCA Secretary General
Who can apply?
Membership is open to non-governmental idealistic organisations and other institutions which:
- are open to all without discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, religion or political affiliation;
- are local, regional, national and international bodies;
- are engaged in sports and/or cultural activities.
Membership Overview
MOVERS get access to the combined knowledge of ISCA’s network
List of services
- Access to open courses
- Access to ISCA professional development resources, including theme pages and self-assessment tools
- Certification and validation of acquired knowledge through
- Access to NowWeMOVE campaign good practice resources, guides, design templates
- Access to MOVE Congress “early bird” fee
- Monthly newsletter

MOVE Agents get a MOVE Agent Badge, can implement NowWeMOVE events and activities, and access ISCA’s learning and development programmes.
49 euro/year
(30% discount if paid annually)
6 euro/month
MOVE AGENT (72 euro annually)
List of services
- MOVE agent Badge
- MOVE Congress reduced fee (30% off)
- Opportunity to submit content to share on NowWeMOVE campaign channels
- Access to ISCA professional development resources, including theme pages and self-assessment tools
- Access to visual libraries of NowWeMOVE design resources (mascots, animated mascots and banners) and brand book
- Access to NowWeMOVE campaign good practice resources, guides, design templates
- Access to open courses
- Certification and validation of acquired knowledge through
- Monthly newsletter

Members receive capacity building support, opportunities to join funded projects and ISCA’s networks. They have the right to full participation in ISCA’s General Assembly and voting rights. Members receive a members’ badge.
500 euro/year
for group 1 – High-income countries*
250 euro/year
for group 2 – upper-middle; lower-middle and low-income countries
List of services
- Voting right and full participation at the ISCA General Assembly
- ISCA member badge
- MOVE Congress reduced fee (30% off)
- Two exclusive online consultations on trending topics in the sector
- Opportunity to join ISCA’s externally funded development projects as a partner
- Coordination support in organising a study visit to Denmark for own members/ staff
- Opportunity to apply as a speaker for one of ISCA’s flagship conference events
- Opportunity to submit content to share on ISCA’s channels
- Opportunity to become a National representative of the NowWeMOVE campaign (receiving a NowWeMOVE National Coordinator badge)
- Access to visual libraries of NowWeMOVE design resources (mascots, animated mascots and banners) and brand book, and with licence to use in own NowWeMOVE campaign designs
- Access to NowWeMOVE campaign good practice resources, guides, design templates
- Certification and validation of acquired knowledge through
- Monthly newsletter
Benefits of ISCA Membership - Summarised
- Global Network
- Funded Projects
- MOVE Congress
- Consultancy by ISCA
- Online Courses
- European Campaigns
- Self-assessment Tools
- NowWeMOVE Platform
- ISCA Newsletter
- Annual Workshops
- Specialised Webinars
- Customised Digital Tools
Not ready yet?
If you would like more information about ISCA membership, you are welcome to talk to a member of our Team. Please send us your email and will arrange a suitable time for a skype/zoom call.