MOVE Week is an annual global event showcasing the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport and physical activity.
With more than 15 million participants in European and Latin America since its first edition, MOVE Week has become one of the biggest sport for all events in the world promoting the benefits of regular participation in sport and physical activity.
MOVE Week started back in 2012 in twelve European countries and today is implemented in both Europe and Latin America.
MOVE Week is part of the NowWeMOVE campagin. NowWeMOVE is based on the premise that the events and activities of the campaign contribute to individual human development, and through this, more active, healthy and inclusive societies. NowWeMOVE is a bottom-up campaign and can be seen as a tool that recognises and empowers the underappreciated change-makers in our sector, who we call "MOVE Agents".
Promoting physical activity
Promoting physical activity
MOVE Agent
MOVE Agents are the stars of MOVE Week. They make MOVE Week happen. A MOVE Agent can be a grassroots sport organisation, club, school, university, voluntary group, company, municipality/city or individual who organises a sport and physical activity event for MOVE Week.
MOVE Week in Latin America
The rapid growth of the NowWeMOVE campaign in Latin America is a testament to the work of ISCA member Sesc and their partner organisations in Brazil in building a following for MOVE Week and Move Brasil since 2012, as well as the other partners who have brought the week to life in many countries.
MOVE Week is an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign
NowWeMOVE's overall objectives are to raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens; promote opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity; and enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for providers of physical activity initiatives through open-source solutions and advocacy.
MOVE Week is an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign. ISCA launched the NowWeMOVE campaign in 2012, with the aim of bringing the sport for all sector and a variety of other sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.