MOVE Transfer
MOVE Transfers transfer and scale up good examples of grassroots sport initiatives from organisation to organisation.
What is MOVE Transfer?

The grassroots sport sector takes pride in sharing good practices and ISCA, as part of our ongoing work, has become aware of many practices that have proven so successful that transferring them to other settings would seem a very valuable investment. But this has not often happened.
That is why ISCA created the MOVE Transfer methodology. MOVE Transfer aims to transfer and scale up good examples of grassroots sport initiatives from organisation to organisation, from city to city, and from country to country.

MOVE Transfer Updates
MOVE Transfer
When MOVE Transfer started in 2013, we aimed to scale-up and transfer good examples of grassroots sport initiatives for hard-to-reach populations at a national and international level:
MOVE Transfer national, a 10-month process of transferring successful initiatives from one organisation and community to another organisation and community in the same country.
MOVE Transfer international, an 18-month process of transferring good examples from one country to another country.
The MOVE Transfer national and international processes involved extensive consultation from ISCA and an advisory board appointed especially to the project. This served to develop the capacity of the initiatives and the organisations delivering them in both settings. By the end of the project, 16 national and 10 international transfers have been completed.
MOVE Transfers

MOVE Transfers
MOVE Transfers aim to transfer and scale up good examples of grassroots sport initiatives from organisation to organisation, from city to city, and from country to country.

Europe-China Mobility
Europe-China Mobility
The objective of the project is to develop individual competencies and organisational networks that will drive sport participation and mutual relations forward between China and the EU.
MOVE Week is an annual Europe-wide event showcasing the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport and physical activity.
European School Sport Day
European School Sport Day
The European School Sport Day is inspired by the Hungarian School Sport Day, an event organised by the Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF) for over a decade.
No Elevators Day
No Elevators Day
No Elevators Day is a free global initiative highlighting a simple way for busy people to add physical activity to their day: take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
Healthy Club
Healthy Club
Healthy Club is a project aiming to transfer the Slovenian best practice "Healthy Club" model and Quality Mark to Bulgaria and Malta.
2015-2016 MOVE Transfer initiatives
2015-2016 MOVE Transfer initiatives
In 2014/2015 ISCA identified three national sport organisations, one local authority and one university with initiatives that were highly suitable for being transferred to another country.
Would you like to transfer an initiative?
MOVE Transfer & ISCA
ISCA created the MOVE Transfer methodology. ISCA launched the NowWeMOVE campaign in 2012, with the aim of bringing the sport for all sector and a variety of other sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.