WHO launches Global Action Plan on Physical Activity: Comment by ISCA President, Mogens Kirkeby

The World Health Organisation has launched a draft for Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030. That is good news. I am especially satisfied to see that this global plan is called an “Action Plan”. Action is what is needed to dismantle the global Inactivity Time Bomb.
We have enough evidence. We have enough knowledge. What we need is action!
The existing evidence and knowledge about the benefits of physical activity are overwhelming. But we still need this huge evidence base to be recognised and incorporated into the relevant sectors – not least the health sector, which unfortunately still prefers traditional medical solutions to inactivity-related non-communicable diseases rather than the simple “movement pill”.
I strongly welcome the way in which the Global Action Plan of Physical Activity sees the promotion of physical activity not solely as a health issue, but from a broader perspective as a human right which will “enhance the social, cultural, economic development and wellbeing of nations”. Well done!
The Action Plan has also set a goal, namely “one hundred million people more active by 2030”. The 100 million more people to be physically active is similar to the vision ISCA launched for the European Union in 2012, indicating the number of citizens we could mobilise to take up an active lifestyle “just” by closing the gap between the European Union average and the top five countries. So a goal to move 100 million (1.4 % of global populations) in 12 years is not too ambitious.
As well as seeing physical activity in a broader context with multiple benefits, the draft Global Action Plan should also be acknowledged for its four strategic angles to tackling inactivity: Creating an Active Society, Creating Active Environments, Creating Active Lives and Creating Active Systems. These four proactive angles invite various sectors to chip in – making it a strong an open invitation.
ISCA is ready. We will initiative a stakeholder consultation and we will also address the draft Global Action Plan at the MOVE Congress this October in Birmingham. The MOVE Congress with the title the Human Right to MOVE addresses a variety of the objectives and actions of the Global Action Plan for Physical Activity.
We look forward to seeing you there. Registration is still open
Posted on 17/08/2017 by ISCA President, Mogens Kirkeby