First initiatives selected for MOVE Quality and MOVE Transfer
ISCA’s most recent initiatives, MOVE Quality and MOVE Transfer, are now under way with 24 sport and physical activity initiatives for hard-to-reach populations across Europe chosen to take part in the quality building and transfer processes in 2014/2015. A total of 18 organisations spanning from Denmark to the north, Ireland to the west, Bulgaria to the East and Cyprus and Malta to the south will strive towards receiving a Quality Mark for their initiatives, and 8 organisations will start working on upscaling and transferring their initiatives to new settings in their countries.
MOVE Quality
ISCA believes that great quality initiatives which inspire more people to be physically active should be rewarded. MOVE Quality identified 18 initiatives to go through a process that will build the capacity of the organisation and its specific initiative for hard-to-reach populations. MOVE Quality is a 12-month process consisting of a series of development and evaluation phases culminating in the Quality Mark.
The following initiatives, led by the corresponding organisations, have been selected to go through the MOVE Quality process in 2014/2015:
Beyond languages, transborder relations, CORSCPM, France
Capacity building and promotion of sports and sport network in Macedonia, Association of Macedonia Sport Federation, Macedonia
Community Games Moving Forward, Community Games, Ireland
Fair Play Football Road Show, Oltalom Sport Association, Hungary
Increasing the competences of BGBA Sport instructors for health, BG Be Active, Bulgaria
Interethnic Cup Bucovina, Association Sport for All Suceava, Romania
Let’s do sport, UBAE foundation, Spain
MOVE18, MOVE, Malta
Open School, Larnaka Municipality, Cyprus
Overall Physical Activity Cup, Latvian Sports for All Association, Latvia
Sport Bon -Ton (Traditional Sport and Games), Geostrategic Institute GLOBAL, Macedonia
Through sport and ecology to intercultural dialogue and sustainable development in Macedonia, Citizens association for recreational movements (GARD), Macedonia
Weigh to Go, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture, Scotland
Winter fairy tale, Association Sport for all Serbia, Serbia
Le projet senior, un projet de territoire, UFOLEP, France
Street Agents, DGI, Denmark
Girls club, Aston Sports and Community Club, UK
Sessões Move (move sessions), Associação CAIS, Portugal
Find out more about MOVE Quality here
MOVE Transfer (national)
ISCA identified 8 physical activity initiatives for hard-to-reach populations that have run successfully in one setting and can be transferred to a new setting in the same country (another organisation, another community) via the MOVE Transfer process. MOVE Transfer national is a 10-month process consisting of extensive consultation on and development of an initiative, leading to the transfer or scale-up of the initiative within a national context. It will be a structured process of learning, developed for individual organisation and its initiative. As such the good example provides a tangible basis for learning that is based on problems and solutions and on smart and sustainable growth.
The following initiatives, led by the corresponding organisations, have been selected to go through the MOVE Transfer process in 2014/2015:
Healthy exercise programme ABC, Športna Unija Slovenije - Zvedza društev za športno rekreacijo in športno vzgojo, Slovenia
Internetnika, Association Sport for All Suceava, Romania (AJSPT Suceava)
Project ASALEE, UFOLEP, France
Let’s Train Together 2.0, SD Partizan Skofja Loka, Slovenia
Hungarian School Sport's Day, Hungarian School Sport Federation
Cardio rehabilitation program, Ubaefitness, s.l., Spain
Sportscene, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture, Scotland
1 km in salute: gruppi omogenei di cammino (1 km in health: homogeneous walking groups), UISP, Italy
Find out more about MOVE Transfer here
Posted on 30/05/2014 by