ACTIVE Age - 2013 DTB Preparatory Action in Sport Project
Capacity building for physical activity programs for aging people
DTB - Deutscher Turner-Bund has developed, and ISCA is a partner of, the “ActiveAge” project: a transnational project that fosters the exchange of knowledge and experience to counteract the physical inactivity of older people through capacity building for physical activities and sport programs of aging people in well-structured and widespread settings, with the starting point in sport-organisations. The project refers comprehensively and directly to the European Commission, Education and Culture DG (EAC) “2012 Preparatory Action in the Field of Sport” /Section 2 and is going to verify the specially mentioned expectations of “cooperation and networking of relevant parties”.
The project has the following main objectives:
- Development of strategic guidelines and recommendations for the implementation and optimisation of health oriented activity programs for older people in sport clubs and municipal institutions
- Development of basics for networks with non-sports civil organisations and official institutions for senior citizens
- Documenting successful methods and testing of new co-operations by project partners
- Founding and sustainable use of a European network of sports organisations “Active and Healthy Aging through Physical Activity and Sport”, and linking with other European networks/platforms such as HEPA-Europe, AGE-Platform, EUNAPAA
- Development of accurately fitting movement programs
- Recruitment and qualification of exercise instructors
The Project was launched in February at a kick-off meeting where 13 project partners had time and space to discuss the project concept through the project management, to discuss expectations regarding the outputs of the project, to creation of working groups for the work packages and to define the organisational guidelines.
ActiveAge project expects to deliver in the period of 18 months:
- A list of good practices for concepts/strategies/programs designed for the promotion of movement activities for older people in sport organisations
- Guidelines and recommendations for the implementation procedures designed for the promotion of movement activities for older people in the frame of organised sports
- Guidelines and recommendations for network incentives in the area of movement and sport for older people
- Exchange of experiences concerning the recruiting of instructors for seniors, the education system to train the instructors, the contents and methods of the education measures
- A common understanding of qualification standards for instructors for seniors (according to the EQF)/Description of a model to recruit instructors for seniors
- Differentiation and description of target groups
- Criteria for the description and validation of activity programs for the target groups
- A list of programs for target groups with description of programs along the criteria
- Implementation of the programs (What is important? Where are problems?)
For more details contact project leader:
Deutscher Turner-Bund
Otto-Fleck-Schneise 8, D 60528 Frankfurt/M.
Tel. +49 6967801136
Fax. +49 6967801179
Cornelia Weishäupl, [email protected]
Pia Pauly; [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Herbert Hartmann; [email protected]
Posted on 24/04/2013 by