Join in - MOVE WEEK 2013 is coming

The European Week of Sport and Physical Activity
As EU Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou, the EU Council Presidency Trio, EU Parliamentarians and representatives of the sport movement meet on Tuesday 27 November in what is known as Structured Dialogue to discuss the idea of a European Week of Sport, ISCA is already on the move. By activating our capacity to mobilise organisations and individuals right across Europe, we have already set plans in motion for MOVE Week 2013.
“ISCA is very happy to see that the idea of a European Week of Sport is at the top of the European agenda. ISCA launched the European MOVE Week initiative during the Danish EU Presidency’s SPORTVISION2012 conference in March. In October we “tested” the concept with our members and partners. Together we mobilised 123 events from 23 countries.” says ISCA Europe Chairman Filippo Fossati, and continues,
“Building on this success, we are now proud to announce the launch of MOVE Week 2013. And to the EU policy makers and stakeholders, we have the following key inputs:
1) Focus on Sport and Physical Activity, not just sport. To achieve the vision of “100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020” we need cross-sector collaboration. Health, education, transport, urban planners and others all need to commit. Sport can and should not do this alone in its own bubble.
2) MOVE Week is an invitation. We invite anyone who wants to promote sport and physical activity to be part of MOVE Week as a truly European initiative. We invite the EU to share and support this initiative to get Europeans and civil society moving on a massive scale.”
To find out more and to join European MOVE Week 2013, please contact ISCA Project Manager Tommy Kristoffersen at [email protected]
Partnership information on the concept test “MOVE Week 2012”:
Powered by ISCA together with Eurosport and the general support of Coca-Cola Europe (through The Coca-Cola Foundation)
For more info: visit the dedicated website
Posted on 22/11/2012 by