European Action for a HealthyLifestyle4All
A call to action was launched at the kick-off event on 27 June 2022 in the European Parliament, requesting a European action plan for prevention of non-communicable diseases and healthy lifestyle promotion.
The International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), JOGG/Youth Health Community and Schuttelaar & Partners (S&P), in collaboration with MEP host Tomasz Frankowski (EPP, Poland), and several key partners, invite you to co-sign the call to action and engage in the collaborative efforts.
Almost two thirds of adults and 1 in 3 children in the WHO European Region are living with overweight or obesity, and these rates are still growing (WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022). During the Covid pandemic the situation has deteriorated even further, especially for the younger generation, as a result of the spiked physical inactivity, unhealthy food intake, mental distress and poor quality of life.

The persistence of such unhealthy lifestyles has led to the surge of non-communicable and chronic diseases across Europe, coming to represent a real global challenge for society and forcing us to look for systemic change.
That's why, on Monday, June 27, we come together as ISCA, JOGG and S&P with our supporting partners, to voice our call to action to make a transition to healthier lifestyles possible for all Europeans and, in collaboration with civil society, policymakers and the industry, start a conversation about the importance of changing the environment in such a way that it enables citizens to make healthier choices and become more active.
Sign the call to action and help us move towards a society in which healthy choices become the easier choices!
PROGRAM for the event on 27 June in the European Parliament
All signatory organisations to the call to action will be reviewed and listed on this web site, and will receive follow-up information from ISCA.
Got questions?
If you would like more information about the European Action for a HealthyLifestyle4All event in the European Parliament, please send us an email and we will try to provide you with the necessary information asap.

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