Grassroots Exchange and Mobility
The project objective is to use mobilities and exchanges to develop individual competencies and organisational networks.
Grassroots Exchange and Mobility
The project - according to the EU-Mobility action - would focus on grassroots sport, by improving the knowledge and know-how of sport staff and developing international cooperation in the field of learning mobility in sport.
Overall objective of the project is to use mobilities and exchanges to develop individual competencies and organisational networks that will drive sport participation and mutual relations forward between 5 Western Balkan countries and 5 EU partner countries.
Grassroots Exchange and Mobility Updates
Grassroots Exchange and Mobility objectives:
The primary purpose of the Healthy Club Quality Mark is to promote organised, regular, professionally managed, properly structured recreational sport activities that take place in sport organisations throughout country.
Developing competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) of 31 PA or sport experts involved in mobilities and knowledge transfers;
Establishing and strengthening networks and securing long-term relations and cooperation between partners;
Based on the historical and cultural understanding between the applicant and the Western Balkan countries, we aim to find common grounds for empowering Western-Balkan, channeling good practices between the involved EU Member States and the Western Balkan countries.
Grassroots Exchange and Mobility & MOVE Transfer
MOVE Transfers aim to transfer and scale up good examples of grassroots sport initiatives from organisation to organisation, from city to city, and from country to country. The goal of MOVE Transfer – Grassroots Exchange and Mobility is to improvе the knowledge and know-how of sport staff and developе international cooperation in the field of learning mobility in sport.
Grassroots Exchange and Mobility & MOVE Transfer & ISCA
MOVE Transfer is an international program, developed by the International Sport and Culture Association, to support the sharing and the upscaling of good practices, engaging new partners, new groups or new organisations on a national or international level. ISCA is a global platform open to organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity.